Types of construction site accidents and prevention, Rochester


Working in the construction industry is probably the riskiest career, and the injury and fatality rate in this industry is higher than in any other job. In the United States, around 5000 people died alone from working in a construction site in 2019. However, the numbers reduced in the proceeding years to 1500. Suppose you are around Rochester and end up suffering in a construction site mishap. In that case, construction accident attorneys in Rochester can help you deal with your state’s workers’ compensation system or pursue a legal claim on your behalf.

It is important to know the types of accidents you might get in, be aware of them beforehand and prepare yourself accordingly.

Few construction site accident types

  • Falling from height: Falling from a ladder, roof, scaffolding rental west jordan ut, and heightened place can happen to workers because, as a part of their jobs, they have to work from such heights.
  • Burns, gas leaks or explosion: Even if some exposed wires do not electrocute, there is still a risk for fire or explosions. Gas leaks are a similar threat.
  • Forklift accidents: Unattentive operators, lack of training, and maintenance account for forklift accidents. It can be prevented by enhancing some safe mechanisms.
  • Machinery accidents: It is necessary to use heavy machines in construction work, but mishandled or negligent machine operators can pose serious risks to workers.
  • Slip and falls: Construction ground can result in slips and falls, resulting in injuries like sprains, broken bones, etc.
  • Hoist or crane accidents: Crane and hoists are important tools for construction. Casually handling these tools can bring severe injuries to the workers.
  • Toxins and dangerous chemicals: Workers are exposed to hazardous toxins and chemicals while working on a construction site. Inhaling certain chemicals can cause respiratory problems.

Precautions and safety measures

While working at dangerous jobs, one may consider a few precautions and safety measures to minimize the risk of getting injured.

  • Utilize safety gear: It is essential to wear safety gear even though there are safety measures already. Safety gear includes harnesses, eye protection, hard hats, hearing protection,steel-toed boots, and hearing protection for most building construction sites.
  • Safety protocols: Establish safety protocols and mandate all workers to follow those. For improvement, inspect, evaluate, and update the protocols from time to time.
  • Maintain equipment: Equipment may go unnoticed most of the time as long as they are working fine. Proper maintenance of equipment is necessary to avoid any accidents.
  • Proper training: Safety training for workers before they join should be required. Safety training for new and existing workers may help prevent any accident.